
Intro to Me 

Currently in college pursuing my B.A in English with a concentration in creative writing…

I hope through this blog I can document my writings and watch as a grow into the writer I know I can become 🙂

My Latest Posts

  • Opening the Door To Herbalism
    Which topics would you like to be more informed about? For the remaining of the year, I really want to dive into the world of herbs and natural medicines. Researching intently, a couple herbs that I can master. By the end of 2024, I want to have started my apothecary and already growing an herbContinue reading “Opening the Door To Herbalism”
  • Page 6 // poem #4
    There is a girl sitting at the edge of a bed. Her dark brown hair a fuzzy mess, her clothes old and worn out- a makeshift form of pajamas. She stares out a window in front of her. The blinds creating ray bands over her face. The yellow strip illuminating her dark eyes into aContinue reading “Page 6 // poem #4”
  • Page 5 // city views
    I never knew the feeling of looking out to the city skyline And feeling so present in the moment Feeling as bright as the lights stretched beyond, Until I was sucked out of the suburban bubble of hell And dropped right into a metropolitan boiling pot of culture. *real life footage of my view ofContinue reading “Page 5 // city views”
  • Page 4 // poem #3
    One step forward,And two steps back. It’s a constant tango within myself Three steps forward, And one step back. It’s a constant fight within myself Two steps forward, And three steps back. It’s year after year of looking in the mirror telling myself, “You’re gonna figure this out”. Time after time I persevere. Three stepsContinue reading “Page 4 // poem #3”
  • Page 3 // poem #2
    Compassion. It is breathing in love, And exhaling kindness. It is not just loving thy neighborsIt is praying hate will leave their heart And praying love never leaves yours.
  • Page 2 // poem #1
    You were raised a survivor.Born from the ashesOf a broken women left On her own to figure life Out with a child andA babe. Your blood knows The familiar poison Of addiction and Pain. But it also recalls The taste of triumph. You were raised a survivor.
  • Page 1 // My Thoughts
    Earlier this week I saw a TikTok where a guy posted a video with a quote saying “relax, no one makes it out alive”. I don’t know if anyone else feels this way but, when I read that for some reason… I feel an odd sense of reassurance. Something about that quote just soothes myContinue reading “Page 1 // My Thoughts”